Business Class Colocation Service in The Oceania Region

VpsCity Colocation service in 100% New Zealand based data centres

Our Colocation Servers


Setup Fee


24x7 Monitoring with eMail and SmS notifications
We will add your server to our monitoring system and monitor any ports and protocols that you require. We will gather historical data and graphs for whatever we monitor and make them available to you at any time. All alerts will be sent to you via SmS and eMail.
once off
per month
Server Protection Plan
Includes Managed Firewall, Managed Daily Backup (3 retentions - backups only apply to VPS and Cloud Servers all other servers are excluded) and 24x7 Monitoring with SMS and eMail notifications.
once off
per month
Managed Firewall
We will manage a firewall to protect your server from the Internet and open any ports or protocols that you require.
once off
per month
cPanel Premier Metal 100
cPanel is the next generation web hosting control panel system. It is designed for the end users of our system and allows you to control everything from adding or removing email accounts to administering MySQL databases, install scripts, eCommerce and more. (Setup Fees may apply to existing services)
once off
per month
cPanel Premier Metal 200
cPanel is the next generation web hosting control panel system. It is designed for the end users of our system and allows you to control everything from adding or removing email accounts to administering MySQL databases, install scripts, eCommerce and more. (Setup Fees may apply to existing services)
once off
per month
cPanel Premier Metal 250
cPanel is the next generation web hosting control panel system. It is designed for the end users of our system and allows you to control everything from adding or removing email accounts to administering MySQL databases, install scripts, eCommerce and more. (Setup Fees may apply to existing services)
once off
per month
cPanel Premier Metal 150
cPanel is the next generation web hosting control panel system. It is designed for the end users of our system and allows you to control everything from adding or removing email accounts to administering MySQL databases, install scripts, eCommerce and more. (Setup Fees may apply to existing services)
once off
per month
Softaculous License
Softaculous is the leading Auto Installer having 288 great scripts and 1115 PHP Classes. Softaculous is widely used in the Web Hosting industry and it has helped millions of users install applications by the click of a button. Softaculous easily integrates into leading Control Panels like cPanel.
once off
per month
SiteBuilder Pro License
SiteBuilder is browser based sitebuilding software that installs directly into cPanel. Its easy-to-follow workflow, social media plugins, and robust content management features makes it easy for even non-programmers to create, market, and maintain a high-end web presence.
once off
per month
JetBackup License
JetBackup is a very powerful backup tool designed to backup WHM & cPanel accounts. It boasts the following features: Point-in-time incremental backups, simultaneous local and remote backups, create as many backup jobs as you want, incremental backups, limit backup space / inodes for users, backup reports for billing support
once off
per month
CloudLinux License
CloudLinux is the first commercial OS that meets the specific needs and demands of web hosting. Imagine if servers going down due to one customer suddenly hogging all the resources was no longer possible. CloudLinux is making rock hard hosting stability a reality. We used to accept that servers will go down during heavy resource spikes and you deal with it by being responsive. CloudLinux does it better by isolating and controlling resource spikes to prevent entire servers going down. That means less support calls and less time tracking down and suspending accounts. (Setup Fees may apply to existing services)
once off
per month
Litespeed Unlimited Ram
once off
per month
once off
per month
once off
per month

Managed 1U - 4U Colocation Service

Not Sure Which Plan To Choose?
Our Team Are Here To Help.

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  0800 002 895

Server Management

We deliver the power of your IT enterprise without the burden of complex management. Our server management solution is perfect for businesses and start-ups who need to focus on their business and not the daily hassles or costs of running a server. Automation of workflows. Visibility in operations. Security as a promise. We manage and optimise your enterprise so you can manage your mission. We offer multiple options depending on the level of server management required.





Root / Administrative Access
Hardware Support
Indicative Monthly Support
2 Hours /month
3 Hours /month
4 Hours /month
Software Support
Optional Extra
Optional Extra
Updates & Patching
Server Administration
Optional Extra
Optional Extra
24x7 Monitoring Plan
Optional Extra
Optional Extra
Managed Firewall
Optional Extra
Optional Extra
Optional Extra
Server Protection Plan
100GB CloudDrive
Monthly Price





*  Any of these plans can be added to your server during checkout or requested to be added to existing servers at any time.

** For any server management service related query please contact us on 0800 002 895 or send us email to

Server Management Made Easy

The following additional features are also included with each server and can be accessed from within our client portal under the server detail section.

Some Additional Product Management Features

Included Features

Network Port

We provide 100Mbps port as standard with our colocated servers. 1Gbps ports are available.

FREE Ethernet Port for IPMI / LiLo / DRAC

We do not charge for an additional ethernet port for your remote management interface.

Power & Network Cabling

We will supply all network and power cabling that is necessary to get your server up and running.

Online UPS + Generator Supply

Our data centre is supplied with 100% fully online clean power backed by diesel generator should the power fail.

Local Traffic (Unmetered - Fair Use)

The amount of network traffic that can be used by the colocated server within New Zealand (100 Mb/s).

International Traffic (500 GB - Fair Use)

The amount of network traffic that can be used by the colocated server Internationally (100 Mb/s).

24x7x365 Support

We are available 24x7 to service your requests, just call us on our 0800 Emergency Callout Number.

New Zealand Data Centres

Located in the Auckland CBD we operate out of a premium data centres facility, with easy access from all parts of Auckland.

Setup Cost ($99.95)

Software installation, port configuration and installation.

More Information

1U Rack

The term 1U is used to define one rack unit of height. To be precise, 1U equals 1.75-inches (44.45mm) of rack height. U is the standard unit of measure for designating the vertical usable space, or height of racks (metal frame designed to hold hardware devices) and cabinets (enclosures with one or more doors). This unit of measurement refers to the space between shelves on a rack.

1U Rack
2U Rack

The term 2U is used to define two rack unit of height. To be precise, 2U rack mount height would be 2 x 1.75” which equals 3.5-inches high. U is the standard unit of measure for designating the vertical usable space, or height of racks (metal frame designed to hold hardware devices) and cabinets (enclosures with one or more doors). This unit of measurement refers to the space between shelves on a rack.

2U Rack
3U Rack

The term 3U is used to define three rack unit of height. To be precise, 3U rack mount height would be 3 x 1.75” which equals 5.25-inches high. U is the standard unit of measure for designating the vertical usable space, or height of racks (metal frame designed to hold hardware devices) and cabinets (enclosures with one or more doors). This unit of measurement refers to the space between shelves on a rack.

3U Rack
4U Rack

The term 4U is used to define three rack unit of height. To be precise, 4U rack mount height would be 4 x 1.75” which equals 7-inches high. U is the standard unit of measure for designating the vertical usable space, or height of racks (metal frame designed to hold hardware devices) and cabinets (enclosures with one or more doors). This unit of measurement refers to the space between shelves on a rack.

4U Rack
Superior Bandwidth

Businesses keeping their data centre and server needs onsite likely invest in more inflexible and unnecessarily expensive network connectivity to obtain the required bandwidth. Many companies end up paying for peak-level traffic all the time, in order to avoid the risk of bandwidth shortages when demand spikes. Insetad, colocation hosting providers offer scalable bandwidth services, as they can allocate quantities of shared bandwidth to whichever tenant needs it at the moment.

Network Reliability

Maintaining highly available uptime is a critical part of enterprise networks, especially in the use of application and email servers that maintain connections with remote workers, business partners, and clients. Most colocation hosting facilities have premium fault-tolerant fiber solutions and dedicated connections to other networks across the world, making their infrastructure more reliable than connectivity a company has in-house.

Hybrid Capabilities

One size does not necessarily fit all when it comes to colocation options. That's why, unlike many other colocation providers, we give you the opportunity to combine traditional colocation with dedicated servers and cloud computing environments to create a tailored solution.

Unparalleled Security

Our multi-layered security policies include 24/7 video surveillance and alarm monitoring, ingress/egress keycard access, cabinets equipped with tumbler locks, perimeter electric fencing, and more. For security, we're the colocation provider of choice.

Ultrafast 24/7 Support

Our technicians are available for 24 hours a day. We don’t believe in cutting quality to keep prices low and our tech support is no exception! Never feel lost again with professional, round-the-clock technical support. Just log into our control panel and get back to business fast with our internal ticketing system. Our specialists will not only help you get everything working, but will also suggest enhancements for your websites and will help you transfer your data to us.

Data and Network Resources

One of the key benefits of colocation hosting is implied in its name. While a company’s physical location may be ideal for its business interests, it may not be optimal where data and network interests are concerned. For businesses with operations in areas with volatile climates, mediocre network coverage, or prohibitive real estate costs, moving data and IT infrastructure needs offsite can generate substantial cost savings and increase peace of mind.

24/7 On-Site Qualified Engineers

As part of our colocation service, certified and highly qualified engineers are available 24/7 to perform diverse tasks at your request, including equipment server reboots, circuit testing, cable and card replacements, and regular exchange of backup tapes or other removable media.

Positive Business Impacts for your Organisation
Lowered Investment Risk

  • Low investment entry
  • No long-term contracts
  • Shortened and quantifiable pay back periods
  • Expand or decrease monthly investment as business size or needs change

Profit Improvements

  • Quick turn around from implementation to quantifiable value
  • Increased cost recoveries
  • Increased re-chargeable costs
  • Reduced cost of management and administration

Administration Efficiencies

  • Improved accuracy of cost reporting
  • Improved assistance with forecasting and budgeting
  • Shorter time-to-evaluate key costs
  • Improved cost performance measurements
  • Improved assistance with cost/benefit analysis
  • Fraudulent and inappropriate usage exposure
  • Identification of cost variables to establish accurate indicators

IT/Telco Efficiencies

  • Reduced complexity of solution implementation
  • Reduced internal support, management and maintenance costs
  • Reduced total cost of network ownership
  • Increased network performance and utilisation
  • Short implementation time frame to “live” status for faster ROI

Frequently Asked Questions

What servers can I colocate?

You can colocate any server that you want – rack mounted servers are preferred, but you can colocate tower servers as well if you like. We would just need to work out the cost based on the size of the tower.

Do you monitor my Colocated Server?

Yes, we do basic monitoring of the server to ensure uptime. Should the server become unresponsive to ping or if the RAID array fails, we will notify you via email and SmS prior to taking action.

How long does it take to setup my colocation server?

We can begin setup of your colocation server once you have made payment for the first month. Depending on your requirements the server should be ready to use within 24 hours.

Can I administer my servers remotely or do I always need to come in?

Most modern server operating systems support remote administration, or have application software that allows remote administration to be performed. You may use any remote administration program to monitor your server(s) or other equipment co-located in our facility.

Why should I choose colocation?

Colocation hosting offers you the opportunity to have your server kept in a premiere colocation facility dedicated specifically to the needs of the colocation server. Such features as Fire-proof facility, video surveilance and high bandwidth make this an extremely enticing option.

Do you offer firewall services for my collocated servers?

Yes, VpsCity offers firewall services for colocated servers.